First update of the new year, and I think I have some good news. I have been steadily working to finish up the new content that will continue the Hearkenwold campaign. At the same time, since last July, I have been converting the new content into the Knights of the Chalice 2 engine. This has caused a longer delay than I would have liked, but I am approaching the end.
I think I can have the module updated by the end of this month, possibly releasing in April at the latest. Here are some new screenshots to share.
The maps for the city of Saldanus now include the red imbricate tiles to represent the roofs of buildings. I had posted last year that these were only shown along the edges of combat maps for roof battles accordingly. But I think it is good to feature on the exploration map as well.

This battle introduces a new monster type: the Pheonix Harpy. They are much more dangerous than the regular harpies who join them. The party will need to have adequate fire protection, or deal with the Pheonix variant quickly.

Here is a fight with five gargoyles, including four mages that are set up in the corners of the map. Meanwhile, an assassin seeks to make things difficult for party. With smart tactics, the heroes of Hearkenwold might prevail.

Hopefully I will be making an announcement soon about the updated module available to download.