October Update
I was able to release the updated version of Hearkenwold as an Adventure Module for Knights of the Chalice 2, at the end of last week. If anyone is interested playing the campaign for KotC2, it is available here:
Here is a screenshot from the module.
For fun, I wanted to share the same scene as it plays out in the IceBlink engine:
Again, a difference in how the two versions are presented, in IceBlink conversations switch to a separate interface with the NPC portrait and the party characters selectable along the bottom of the screen. While KotC2 has a text box placed over the still visible adventuring map. Also note, in Iceblink, character responses for the dwarf and elf are only available by clicking on that party member. So there is no additional tag needed before the response. In Kotc2, these dialogue options (which do get different reactions from the Elf Captain, respectively) are more like a list that displays only if those characters are present in the party. I have maintained in doing this conversion project, that I love the combat and mechanics of KotC2, but I think IceBlink handles conversation interactions better.
One of the benefits of porting the module over is I can catch little things like typos that I missed the first time working in the IceBlink toolset. I have corrected a few of these that popped up.
Now, moving forward with the Hearkenwold campaign. The most recent update advances the main adventure path, and references the town of Saldanus as a desired destination. For the next content, I will be working on this location. Saldanus is an independent city-state outside the Kingdom of Astaria, where Hearkenwold begins. It is positioned on the coast, and its rumored riches make it a valuable target. There is quite a bit of history, which I won't go into just yet, but a local legend tells of the town's founding much like a Babel-esq story of hubris and powerful mages who would build a city that could reach the heavens. How much of this myth plays into the city's presents fortunes will have to be discovered.
This month, I am starting on the city maps. It will be laid out similar to Skardale, which was comprised of nine interconnecting maps. However, Saldanus is not exactly a place for the party to linger and shop and talk to a lot of NPCs. They will arrive at a tumultuous time, and there will be quite of bit of opportunity for fighting. Rather than trying to save the population, though, it is more likely the party just needs to get through the volatile streets.
I should be able to post some preliminary images as part of the next update.