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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Dorateen »

youngneil1 wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:13 pm
The icons on the death dogs likely look a bit misplaced (too high) because the death dog is using a large creature size setting (2x2) while the death dog drawing itself more fills a wide creature space (2x1).
Yes, that's right. The creature is using a 400x200 token, but the image is in fact wide. If you can add a toggle to switch to the effects to display larger, that would be great. Thanks!
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by slowdive »

youngneil1 wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:13 pm I will add an option to display the effect icons full size again, maybe even as an individual setting for each effect. The icons on the death dogs likely look a bit misplaced (too high) because the death dog is using a large creature size setting (2x2) while the death dog drawing itself more fills a wide creature space (2x1). Or that's my guess, at least.
I agree that it would be cool to add a toggle button so that players can choose which effect size style to use (have large effects be default). I will probably use the small effects most of the time, but toggle every once in awhile if a combat background is a color/texture that makes it hard to see the smaller effects.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Dorateen »

slowdive wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:29 am
youngneil1 wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:13 pm I will add an option to display the effect icons full size again, maybe even as an individual setting for each effect. The icons on the death dogs likely look a bit misplaced (too high) because the death dog is using a large creature size setting (2x2) while the death dog drawing itself more fills a wide creature space (2x1). Or that's my guess, at least.
I agree that it would be cool to add a toggle button so that players can choose which effect size style to use (have large effects be default).
Yes, a toggle would be fantastic. It seems to be a matter of personal preference.

On a side note, I have a battle I've been testing. It absolutely wipes 5th/6th level characters. Tried it a couple of times this weekend using a 7th level test party with better equipment, and it was tough but winnable. I'm hoping some of the treasures found over the course of the adventure might enable a lower level group to squeak by.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by slowdive »

Sounds like a fun challenge. My son and I came across a battle at a bridge which resulted in a fast party wipe :lol: . We had no business being there, but my son was running through areas fast and came across this :P
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Dorateen »

slowdive wrote: Mon Apr 06, 2020 11:52 pm My son and I came across a battle at a bridge which resulted in a fast party wipe :lol: .
That bridge battle is a good measuring stick for party strength. When they can handle that encounter, they should be able to deal with the other content beyond.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by slowdive »

Well, we failed miserably :lol:
I’ve since went back to the areas that we should have been visiting first and I am moving through those quests first. I’m helping a hermit on a hill at the moment looking a for an item that reminds him of his daughter.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Dorateen »

May Update

A new version of Hearkenwold is ready to download, this one using build 193.

https://neverwintervault.org/project/ic ... earkenwold

This continues and concludes the adventure in Asherim, should the player have a paladin in the party and seek membership in the Order of the Holy Zephyrs. They will be sent on a special mission, exploring maps with various points of interest.

An ominous looking tower:


A forgotten temple:


A rather uninviting dungeon:


If the party survives, and can achieve their objective, paladins should return to the guild master. He will award those characters the distinction of being named a Holy Zephyr, which adds the guild trait increasing two attributes accordingly.


I have been wanting to add more mechanical features to Hearkenwold, more traits and spells and such. I noticed there are quite a few in the tutorial module that is included with IceBlink, I just need to build them into this campaign. Recently, I introduced the Battle Regeneration trait that is available to all characters at different levels of advancement. Now I am including the trait Sweep, that can be gained by Fighters at 4th level, Paladins at 6th level, and Rangers at 8th level. It was very fun testing it and seeing it in action. The trait will appear for selection retroactively. So for a game in progress, when those martial characters train next, if they are at the appropriate level, they can choose the new trait.


Next, I am going to start on the Fighter guild quest. I will have more on that adventure next month.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by youngneil1 »

Thank you very much for the meaty update and the beautiful screenshots, Dorateen. As always it's very inspiring to me. Adding the new gameplay mechanics via traits is awesome and will enrichen the enocunters for sure.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Dorateen »

June Update

Presently, I am working on the Fighters guild adventure. I have gotten a lot done the past few weeks, so things are looking good for an early July release. To review the concept behind the class specific guilds, the idea has always been that the party would find a sponsor who then recommends them to their respective organizations. There were already present NPCs for the Cleric, Ranger, Thief and Paladin guilds, which is why I tackled that content first. Thus, when I prepared to start on the Fighter quest line, I had to create a new NPC and additionally, a new map for the party to explore. Once they meet this sponsor, then they can access the guild of Fighters known as the Magnificent Blades. Here, the Guildmaster will address Fighters in the party and tell them about their mission. It should not be a surprise, that it involves a lot of fighting.

Here is the Guildmaster himself, giving direction to candidates for the Order.


And this is a sample screen from the plains. There are more than a handful of maps all interconnected, which the party will have to navigate.


One of the features of the area is a special trainer the characters can find, who will teach Fighters how to be a Barbarian. In the broader scheme of things, I have thought about expanding the classes available in Hearkenwold, in an attempt to make the game mechanics more meaty. However, the way the adventure is set up, I think it would be easier for me to stick with the six original classes. But using the trait system, I modified the "Hard to Kill" trait, and made it into the Barbarian trait, which can then be learned by fighters.


This combat screenshot shows Dorateen, after acquiring the Barbarian trait, making an attack on a monster, while blinded by rage. I think the -2 to hit penalty is a good trade off, along with a hit to charisma. The benefits being the increase in Max Hit Points, and the very fun ability to pop back up in battle if knocked below 0 hit points. I was very pleased get that working as intended.


So far, I have all the pieces in place for Fighters to meet the objective of this adventure. I would say it is probably one of the more direct guild quests, which to me makes sense. Fighters are pretty direct characters, they go out and fight. Now I just need to add some more content to make the Plains not so empty.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by slowdive »

The fighter’s guild quests sounds great. I really like the use of a trait for transitioning a fighter to a barbarian class. That’s a cool idea that could be used in many ways to develop a character further.
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