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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Dorateen »

Thank you Pongo and slowdive. It is a challenge, but what I see happening is all the guild stuff will be done by the end of this month (already completed cleric and ranger quests) and then maybe one more week to finish off whatever other parts are remaining. No way this goes past April...

The advice I would give to any module builder is to do some work on your project every single day, no matter how little. It will keep you immersed in the toolset and you'd be surprised how much can be accomplished when you look up after a month's gone by.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Dorateen »

April Update

This is the month I am planning to release Hearkenwold as an Adventure Module for Knights of the Chalice 2. I've made a thematic trailer to mark the occasion.


A realistic expectation is that I need next week to finish up some content, and the following to clean up some details I have put off to the end. if I can have it done sooner, I will upload the module to the Nexus vault. And then I can begin discussing a return to IceBlink.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Pongo »

Looks nice! Will definitely be giving it a go.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Dorateen »

Thanks, Pongo. Just a heads up, I have been e-mailing Pierre and there is an issue that cropped up in the latest build of KotC2 version 1.12

I might have to wait until the next update to make sure Hearkenwold runs properly. But if I finish everything sooner this month, I might make it available with a disclaimer to use build 1.11
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by cartons »

Very cool! Will wait for the greenlight to revisit Hearkenwold with all the new mechanics this system allows.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Dorateen »

The combat systems are the primary reason I wanted to try and recreate this module in the Knights of the Chalice 2 engine. I still like the conversation interface of IceBlink better. But the possibility to run a party with all those different classes and feats and spells, should be fun.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Dorateen »

May Update

Version 1.13 of Knights of the Chalice 2 was posted yesterday, and I was finally able to upload Hearkenwold to the Nexus page. Here is the link below, for those curious:


An interesting note about the development cycle for this project. I knew going into the end of last year, I would need the first quarter of 2021 to finish everything. So I had projected a deadline of March 31, expecting I would need a few days into April for testing and fixing bugs. It turns out, two more weeks were necessary as the final area I was working on was the Halls of Hamhock. But there was an issue with the engine, which prevented me from releasing the module sooner as I had to wait for the next update. This was a good thing as it allowed me more time to play through the late game content, and catch things I had missed. It was the plan to get this campaign out in April, and looks like I did it last night with just a few hours to spare. Not bad.

Really, none of this would even be possible without the IceBlink engine as a foundation and the platform that I was able to use to construct the Hearkenwold campaign. I'm now looking forward to jumping back into the IceBlink toolset and continuing the main adventure arc. While it is much too soon to estimate any kind of timetable, I would love to have a new IceBlink version with new content out by the end of this year.

I should be able to share some new screenshots in next month's update.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Pongo »

Great news, congratulations Dorateen! I saw 1.13 had come out, I was hoping it fixed your issue. I'll download later.

Edit: Pierre's website is down - might be tomorrow now.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Dorateen »

Thanks Pongo, yes Heroic fantasy games is having trouble with the download limits. I'm amazed I was able to sneak in and download on Friday night and on a different computer yesterday. I guess it will improve after the weekend.

So far, 1.13 appears to working fine, no issues with the module. One thing I caught was that there are four new difficulty settings to choose from, and by default, the game starts on the easiest I think. Furthermore, a player can adjust the specifics to these settings in the configuration menu. Pierre has done a lot of tuning to make the game approachable for Augury of Chaos, but one new feature is automatic recovery of hit points after each encounter. Naturally, I think this should be changed to 0% in the difficulty settings.
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Re: Hearkenwold

Post by Pongo »

Finally managed to download it. I had a quick look tonight, mainly spent in character creation. For information, the game defaulted to normal difficulty at the start for me rather than easy, but normal still gives you a 25% HP boost after each encounter so I bumped it up to hard where you get 0% as you suggested. I haven't gotten far yet, just killing goblins, but the difficulty is good and everything seems to work fine. Its really interesting to get to explore Hearkenwold in a different engine. I'm looking forward to seeing how some of the later parts sections out. And I can't imagine the work that must have gone into converting all the convos into the KotC editor - it must have taken you ages! Good work, Dorateen - it'll take me a while to play through it, I'll send you some thoughts when I have.
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